Friday, July 15, 2016

A Fast Forward of Sorts... On the road again!

It has been some time since my last post and a lot has changed in the past 2 years.

For those of you who do not know, I stayed in Burkina Faso for a third year (yeeaaaa despite what I may have said in a previous post. WOMP) during which I worked as a monitoring and evaluation consultant for a couple of national ministries as well as the Peace Corps.  With this new role came a fancy “office”, a house in the “city” with plumbing & electricity, as well as a decent number of both great and terrifying stories.  I presented work directly to the minister of health, appeared on national television, and had a wonderful learning experience.  I also got the opportunity to travel through Ghana again (story to come in another post). At the end of my third year I was ready to return home and start grad school… but the Peace Corps and fate called with a proposition.  They wanted me to stay and offered me a position as a salaried technical trainer.  After some reflection I took the position and moved to yet a larger “city” where I lived with the country director in a building that can only be described as a mansion.  I stayed in the pool house and enjoyed gourmet meals every night.  I made more money as a short term consultant than I had over the entire 3 years as a PCV. Life was good; I was and continue to be incredibly humbled by the opportunity and am thankful for the adventure that the job turned into.  

After the expiration of this contract, I backpacked though Morocco and Turkey where I had an absolutely exquisite experience.  Turkey is by far my favorite country that I have had the pleasure of visiting.  Parasailing, beach, sailing, caving, and a plethora of ancient structures kept Kristine and I busy and in a state of constant astonishment.  

After the travels, I returned home to the USA and suffered my fair share of reverse culture shock moments.  I began grad school, moved to Minneapolis, and experienced a never before seen side of America; The Midwest.  Braving snow, howling gust of wind, skiing uphill, and what often seems like frozen personalities I made Minneapolis home.  (SideNote- I’ve eaten more red meat, potatoes, and corn in the past year than I have EVER in my life.  What a cool experience)

I now find myself between the first and last year of school with a rather nagging itch to explore India. After no less than 2 projects on health care in India, I decided to go see for myself what the Indian-subcontinent has to offer.  And dear read… if the first day is any indication… I am going to love it. 
Read on as I share new stories and also reflect on older experiences that I never wrote about here. 


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