One question. Is there anyone else interested in both peace corps and becoming a foreign service officer? I was checking it out online and its really not a bad job. A pain in the butt to apply for but sounds interesting. Does anyone have any thoughts or comments about the job/potential?
In PC News.
Soo, placement finally got back to me.
It's not looking good for a timely departure, as a lot of people called. But here's what they said.
"As for your question about timeline, what I can tell you is that you most likely would not be going anywhere until the timeframe of at least Jan-March 2012. We will be in touch with you before then to discuss programmatic possibilities, hopefully by the end of July. We aim to speak with every applicant before issuing an invitation and we would give you at least 8 weeks notice before you would need to be anywhere. I hope this can help you to plan ahead, and thank you for your continued patience and flexibility."
Its amazing how quickly things change. Kind of bummed but what can I do? Since I'm not going anytime soon I went ahead and got two jobs.
There's this really cool program is DC that takes inner-city ward 7 and 8 teens and preps them for college. The cool thing about the program is that they get to live in dorms, attend classes, and do a lot of cultural activities on the campus of a local university. There's about 300 kids participating so they need peer counselors/RAs to look out for them. I interviewed and got the job and start this coming Monday. My duties include baby sitting high school seniors, African drumming, attending university classes, and chillin with about 29 other peer counselors from all over the country.
The other job involves me working at a country club as a server/man slave. Not a bad gig for the amount of money but ey, I'd rather be working someplace else in the world.
What is the name of this program you were working with in DC, with the kids? It sounds pretty cool!