Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How much can I type before my battery dies?

I currently have 37% battery life remaining and a lot that i want to say here/discuss. I wonder how much I can get off. hmmmm

So my host family is a mixed blessing. At times they are pretty cool but rather puzzling at other times.  Truly the source of a lot of frustration for me. During my first couple of weeks here, we did a lot of dancing and soccer playing... (poh yea, it was heaven) but now that my work has picked up, thngs have slowed down.  I was teaching the 9 kids some breakdancing moves the other night.  We got some natural talent in the family! what what!
And then they have been teaching me local dances such as windica and bogobo? i just butchered those spellings but sound them out!

Sunday, my host father came home and, in good spirits, offered me his wife to share with him and now refers to me as his petite babe.  I'm not sure how I should take this and I cannot really ask too much about it since I do not speak moore(the local language) and my family does not speak french! It has truly been a challenge to communicate and has been down right frustrating at other times.  But one thing is sure, I will not be sharing anybodies wife..... 
he couldnt have been serious right?

This past saturday was our first day off so a few of us went dancing and oh man did we have fun.  With us being so dehydrated and it being so hot here, it only takes 1 beer(twice the size of a regular US beer) to get us dancing. It was a great time and I really love my stage. 
We are all really chill and laid back but when the music comes on, everyone starts getting crazy (in good respectful manner of course). No really, I have been truly impressed by the level of maturity and professionalism that we have demonstrated while going out.  The toughest part at the end of the night is saying goodbye and having to bike all over the village to make sure the girls get home safely.  Burkina is not a dangerous place by any stretch of the imagination, but it is never okay to let intoxicated peoples ride home alone. no matter where you are.  we've truly become a family here and we all look out for each other.  

You would also thtnk that there would be hookups or drama but I am happyy to say, most of us see each other more as family than anything else. Its great. Especially for me and some of the others that are trying to maintain a relationship.  Of the 22 of us remaining, 5 of us have partners back at home.

****Which reminds me, I need to thank britt for updating my blog and everything for me. Internet does not usually happen here and electricty comes in random times. but I do buy prepaid phone minutes which i use on parents and britt. Anyone who wants to call or talk is most def welcome. My number here is in a blog someplace below. Britt posted it. I actually dont know mu number yet.... wopmp womp! But forreal. THANK YOU BRITTANY! aka my other half. You the best. ****

Well, projects! We have been in training learning different thigns about planting trees, collecting seeds, prepping seeds, doing malaria consultations, counseling, HIV/AIDS testing, and a lot of administration stuff.  I guess i sometimes forget that peace corps is a government organization with a lot of red tape. womp womp. So all in all, very little actual work/projects while in BF but a lot of training and admin stuff.

My french is..... going......yeaaa, story for another day.

Well thats alll for now. battery dying... buhhh I'll Leave you with thisssss.... sum up my last 12 hours.  :-) 

Never in my life did i think that I would rock out to Luda and lil wayne at a outdoor bar in the middle of africa while in costume with 20 other Americans. (in celebration of halloween ofcourse). Then to bike about 4 k home through the millet field (yet under a gorgeous night sky filled with stars)with constant stops to allow herds of pigs and donkeys to cross the road. Family HIV and Malaria house/hut consults this morning though. Time to get serious!

Best wishes everyone,



  1. Share a wife? I don't think that flies even in West Virginia! Anyway, I was wondering how many people were in your original stage since you say only "22 left." And did the people who quit say why or was it clearly just because they couldn't handle it?

    And big ups to you and the boys for taking care of the ladies. Chivalry lives!

  2. So happy you got a chance to post Pat! Dancing out in BF sounds like a lot of fun! Crazy to think that you're biking home. Imagine doing that in CP? Yeah, pretty sure the bike would be gone from underneath you in about 5 seconds. =P

    So your host family definitely sounds like an experience. Will you be with them for the full 2 years? Will you be learning how to speak a bit of Moore? Sharing of the wife...maybe that's like someone offering you a box of chocolates here in the states? Lol...oh geez.

  3. Tiara: there were originally 26 of us. One person quit at staging in philly. Two people dropped the second week and then one more the 4th week. Reasons? it would not be appropriate for me to speculate or say.
    Melissa: biking home in cp would actually be better because there are roads. right? not just dirt paths? but ey my host family and i have some communication issues but the majority of our interactions now revolve around dance and music. Our common understanding. SHAKE YA BOOOOTY!

    im only 70% serious. There is a lot of dancing. I LOVE IT!
